
"Non c'è nulla da dire: c'è solo da essere, c'è solo da vivere." Piero Manzoni,1960

sabato, aprile 21, 2007

Tarot - Ashes To The Stars

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domenica, aprile 15, 2007

If you go down to the woods today...

... you're in for a big surprise... or at least a huge pillowfight! It's amazing what lengths people will go to in the fight against poverty!

Get involved -

We are ActionAid

Action 4 Change


ActionAid Thailand

sabato, aprile 14, 2007

"When a blind man cries"Deep Purple live in Palermo 9-3-2007

Deep Purple Live 2007- Acireale (ct)- Black Night

Deep Purple Live 2007- Acireale (ct)- Assolo di Batteria

Deep Purple

Deep Purple

ludovico einaudi live [catania 2006] #2

Tokio Hotel - Wir schließen uns ein

Tokio Hotel - Spring Nicht

Tokio Hotel - Ubers Ende der Welt

venerdì, aprile 13, 2007

New Video from Lacuna Coil "Within Me"

I Dream of My Grandmother and Great Grandmother

A very nice poem "I Dream of My Grandmother and Great Grandmother" written by Maria Mazziotti Gillan, an italianamerican writer.

I Dream of My Grandmother
and Great Grandmother

I imagine them walking down rocky paths
toward me, strong, Italian women returning
at dusk from fields where they worked all day
on farms built like steps up the sides
5 of steep mountains, graceful women carrying water
in terra cotta jugs on their heads.
What I know of these women, whom I never met,
I know from my mother, a few pictures
of my grandmother, standing at the doorway
10 of the fieldstone house in San Mauro,1
the stories my mother told of them,
but I know them most of all from watching
my mother, her strong arms lifting sheets
out of the cold water in the wringer washer,
15 or from the way she stepped back,
wiping her hands on her homemade flour sack apron,
and admired her jars of canned peaches
that glowed like amber in the dim cellar light.
I see those women in my mother
20 as she worked, grinning and happy,
in her garden that spilled its bounty into her arms.
She gave away baskets of peppers,
lettuce, eggplant, gave away bowls of pasta,
meatballs, zeppoli, loaves of homemade bread.
25 "It was a miracle," she said.
"The more I gave away, the more I had to give."
Now I see her in my daughter,
that same unending energy,
that quick mind,
30 that hand, open and extended to the world.
When I watch my daughter clean the kitchen counter,
watch her turn, laughing,
I remember my mother as she lay dying,
35 how she said of my daughter, "That Jennifer,
she's all the treasure you'll ever need."
I turn now, as my daughter turns,
and see my mother walking toward us
down crooked mountain paths,
40 behind her, all those women
dressed in black.

1 A small village in the province of Salerno, where the poet’s mother came from. The poet’s father migrated to the States in 1922, her mother in 1936.

M. MAZZIOTTI GILLAN, 1993, in Things My Mother Told Me, Guernica, Buffalo, 1999

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mercoledì, aprile 11, 2007



„Osternfest“ ist das fest, dass es die Auferstehung Jesu Christi vom Tod feiert. Es ist sehr wichtig für die christlichen Religionen, weil es sich in der Auferstehung Jesu Christi alle das Geheimnis des Glaubens erweist. Nämlich, die Bibel sagt, dass Christus durch die Auferstehung die Macht des Todes besiegt hat, weil Jesu Christi des Sohnes Gottes ist.
Die Fastenzeit ist eine Bußzeit von 40 Tage. Sie beginnt mit dem Aschermittwoch und endet mit dem Karsamstag. Die letzte Woche vor Ostern ist die Karwoche. Sie beginnt mit dem Palmsonntag und endet mit Karsamstag. Der Palmsonntag feiert den Einzug Jesus von Nazaret in Jerusalem; der Gründonnerstag feiert das Letzte Abendmahl. Der Karfreitag feiert des Todes Jesu Christi am Kreuz.
Karsamstag ist der Stilletag. Der dritte Tag nach seinem Tod, Jesu auferweckt wurde.
Ostern gehört zu den beweglichen Festen, deren Datum jedes Jahr anders ist.

Ostern hat Ursprünge vorchristliche, weil es ein jüdisches Fest ist.

Das Worte „Ostern“ auf deutsch hat den selben Ursprung von Easter auf englisch. In dem meisten Sprachen kommt die Bezeichnung des Osterfests vom jüdischen Pessach, z.B. auf I italienisch heißt Ostern „Pasqua“.

Der Osterhase ist eine Symbol von Ostern in Deutschland.
In Finnland ist Ostern das Fest der Kerzen.


venerdì, aprile 06, 2007

Good Charlotte feat M.Shadows and Synyster Gates- The River


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